Page 5 - Shipsuppliers2023
P. 5

 The »German Shipsuppliers Register« has been published since 1973 and has a circulation of 3 000 copies to shipowners, shipbrokers, shipyards, shipsuppli- ers and other companies allied to the shipping industry. The 51th edition of this Register covers the whole of Germany, giving detailed information on 121 competent and bona fide German shipsuppliers in 29 cities. The listed member companies supply to ships – either a general or a specialized range of products, as indicated. They are all highly experienced in the trade and have been screened before being accepted as members of the German Shipsuppliers Association.
This booklet gives shipowners and ship‘s officers details of a wide range of qualified shipstore merchants in Germany. It may assist them in appointing their suppliers to the fleet.
We feel sure that the »German Shipsuppliers Register« will be of great assistance to you in your work and will gladly send you further copies free of charge on request.
We also wish to thank all advertisers for their loyalty and are convinced that this Register is an excellent means for them to advertise their products and services to the shipping industry worldwide.
Please contact your local shipsupplier for the products advertised in the Register.
  April 2023
Verband Deutscher Schiffsausrüster e.V. German Shipsuppliers Association
Thorsten Harms (Secretary)
 No warranty is given by the German Shipsuppliers Association that the advertisements and information in this edition of the German Shipsuppliers Register are correct.
For this reason the German Shipsuppliers Association cannot be made legally liable.
Reference of pictorial material in Association advertisement on page 5:
picture 1: Alch_025_Schwimmdock_pixelio.jpg; picture 2: IMG_2086_200702_pixelio.jpg and picture 3: Hamburg_005_197026_pixelio.jpg by pixelio.
AZETT GmbH & Co. KG, Ungerhausen, had given those pictures at Association’s disposal.

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