Purpose of the Association
Founded in 1947, the German Shipsuppliers Association the German organization representing the interests of companies in the maritime supply chain.
The purpose of the association is to promote and protect the common interests of the shipsupply sector and the trade in duty-free goods through voluntary association.
Stronger together – a seamless maritime supply chain
Our members have been benefiting from expertise, exchange, networking and the promotion of political framework conditions since 1947. Our successes are impressive.

We are THE alliance for companies in the maritime supply chain in Germany.
We offer a home to all companies and interest groups in the maritime supply chain in Germany. Membership of the German Shipsuppliers Association should be a matter of course for companies in the industry.
At international level, the ISSA (International Ship Suppliers and Services Association) was founded in 1955 on the initiative of the German association. This association of organizations represents the common international interests of shipsuppliers and maintains contacts with shipowners' associations and supranational bodies. The ISSA drew up international delivery conditions for ship equipment in 1958. Today, ship chandlers from 77 nations belong to the ISSA.
ISSA has published a Ship Stores Catalogue since 1978. This technical ship equipment catalogue in English is used to specify goods and simplify orders, as the approximately 25,000 listed items of ship equipment can each be identified and ordered using a code number. In addition to the Ship Stores Catalogue, a Provisions & Bonded Stores Catalogue compiled by ISSA has also been available since October 1992. The catalogue lists food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products for provisioning on board under code numbers. The ISSA publishes an international directory of members online, the "International Ship Suppliers Register", from which interested customers can search for suitable suppliers.
At European level, the German Shipsuppliers Association represents the interests of German ship suppliers in the European Ship Suppliers Organization (OCEAN).
Many German shipsuppliers have been in existence for decades, several are over 100 years old and have survived all of the perils of this period. On the one hand, ship outfitting is becoming more and more complicated as shipping operations become increasingly technical and automated, with the result that further specialisation is spreading. On the other hand, however, this development should mean that the shipsupplier remains indispensable as a specialist dealer with an extraordinarily broad range of services for maritime transport. Today, it is impossible to imagine port operations without them.